

Herald Post Mail



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Donald Trump pleads NOT guilty

Former president Donald Trump pleads NOT guilty Herald Post Mail's sourse says.

Trump nearly got arrested with accusations of hiding secret documents in his house, but the courtcase said Trump wasn't guilty!!!

This was a great victory for Trump and his massive supporters.
This also needs to be recognised that at least to some extent it was politically motivated.
There were people on the left who wanted to arrest Trump for his views on politics.
They didn't like his anti-woke, anti-feminist, anti-political correctness views so they wanted to arrest him, punish him for his views and make an example to conservatives that if you dare question the current woke culture there will be consequences.

Donald Trump 6 ponits ahead of Joe Biden in polls

Former president Donald Trump has been leading 6 points on polls done by Harvard CAPS-harris poll says source. here's the poll results.

Pro-life christian woman arrested after praing for babies lives in UK POLITICAL PRISONER????

Pro-life woman in UK has been arrested for "disterbing the public" after she was peacefully protesting about the babies who's getting killed by abortion. She was praing outside the abortion hospital in UK.

It was still a little bit bright outside where she was praing, little bit dark but still bright.
She was praing outside an abortion hospital which aborts babies before they're out of the stomach of their mother in which She, as a Christian and as a pro-lifer strongly opposes.
She was NOT shouting or breaking things at all.

Donald Trump pleads NOT guilty

Former president Donald Trump pleads NOT guilty Herald Post Mail's sourse says.

Trump nearly got arrested with accusations of hiding secret documents in his house, but the courtcase said Trump wasn't guilty!!!

This was a great victory for Trump and his massive supporters.
This also needs to be recognised that at least to some extent it was politically motivated.
There were people on the left who wanted to arrest Trump for his views on politics.
They didn't like his anti-woke, anti-feminist, anti-political correctness views so they wanted to arrest him, punish him for his views and make an example to conservatives that if you dare question the current woke culture there will be consequences.

Pro-life christian woman arrested after praing for babies lives in UK POLITICAL PRISONER????

Pro-life woman in UK has been arrested for "disterbing the public" after she was peacefully protesting about the babies who's getting killed by abortion. She was praing outside the abortion hospital in UK.

It was still a little bit bright outside where she was praing, little bit dark but still bright.
She was praing outside an abortion hospital which aborts babies before they're out of the stomach of their mother in which She, as a Christian and as a pro-lifer strongly opposes.
She was NOT shouting or breaking things at all.

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