Free speech

Free Speech

Texas is a land of free.........
untill you criticise Israel

Texas is known to respect freedom and free speech.
But it's government is controlled by Zionists
You just can't criticise Israel in Texas.
Patriots and Pro-humanity activisits has showed their support for Palestine in collges, and Texan government was quick to arrest them.

1st amendment is the most important law in America

America is going bad right now in many way but 1 of the worst things happening in America is the decline of freedom of speech.
Free speech in under assault in America.
There are many people who are trying to take away people's right to free speech in America from woke people to greedy politicians to corporations.
But freedom of speech is the most American and one of the most important aspects of America.
If there's no free speech in America, it's not America anymore, it's the Imperial Britain which America escaped years and years ago.
Free speech is the most important aspect in America, there were no country in the world that respected freedom of speech than America.
But Americans are losing their freedom of speech and their human right to say what they want to everyday.

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