UK might make it illegal to wave Palestinian flag in the streets FREEDOM OF SPEECH OPRESSED

UK might make it illegal to wave Palestanian flag in the streets FREEDOM OPRESSED!!!!


A shocking news says that UK might make it illegal to wave the Palestanian flag in the streets.

This is a horrible thing which has no respect for any freedom or freedom of speech.

Free speech is a big issue in Britain right now where many British people are saying that there is no freedom of speech in UK.

If this law is passed it is going to make UK more of an anti-freedom of speech nation.

This means if you don't agree with the government's stance on Israel and Palestine conflict, you will be arrested.

Gee Wizz.

Whatever you think about the thing going on right now.

Weather you support Israel or Palestine in this war right now, you should agree that freedom of speech should be respected no matter which side you support.

And on top of that, banning the Palestanian flag might be racist because it is kind of saying if you are a Palestanian you're wrong or you shouldn't be proud of being a Pelstanian.

The British government is kind of saying that supressing Palestine supporters is more important than their citizens freedom.

of corse what Hamas did was horrible it was horrible.

But Israeli government has gone to Palestine and done some horrible things as well.

And now UK gov might be seen as trying to crack down on people who speak out of the human rights violation in Palestine.

Shocking things happen in UK.

Hope for the best in Great Britain.

Hope there will be freedom of speech.

Hope there will be peace in the Middle East.


Talk about it on Eagle Zed

Talk about it on Rugby Zed(since it's about Rugby)

UK might make it illegal to wave Palestanian flag in the streets FREEDOM OPRESSED!!!!

A shocking news says that UK might make it illegal to wave the Palestanian flag in the streets.

This is a horrible thing which has no respect for any freedom or freedom of speech.

Free speech is a big issue in Britain right now where many British people are saying that there is no freedom of speech in UK.

If this law is passed it is going to make UK more of an anti-freedom of speech nation.

This means if you don't agree with the government's stance on Israel and Palestine conflict, you will be arrested.

Gee Wizz.

Whatever you think about the thing going on right now.

Weather you support Israel or Palestine in this war right now, you should agree that freedom of speech should be respected no matter which side you support.

And on top of that, banning the Palestanian flag might be racist because it is kind of saying if you are a Palestanian you're wrong or you shouldn't be proud of being a Pelstanian.

The British government is kind of saying that supressing Palestine supporters is more important than their citizens freedom.

of corse what Hamas did was horrible it was horrible.

But Israeli government has gone to Palestine and done some horrible things as well.

And now UK gov might be seen as trying to crack down on people who speak out of the human rights violation in Palestine.

Shocking things happen in UK.

Hope for the best in Great Britain.

Hope there will be freedom of speech.

Hope there will be peace in the Middle East.


Talk about it on Eagle Zed

Talk about it on Rugby Zed

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