Piers Morgan you're still a Zionist

Piers Morgan you are still a Zionist



Alright, let's get started on this real diss article against Piers Morgan a sneak-supporter of Israel.

First off, let's talk about Piers Morgan, that British blowhard who thinks he's the king of television.

He's got some nerve, going on his show and pretending to condemn Hamas. Like, seriously, does he think we're idiots? We can all see through his little act. It's like he's trying to be the good guy, but deep down, he's just another Zionist piece of crap.

Now, don't get me wrong, y'all. I appreciate that Piers grills some of those Zionist guests on his show. But at the end of the day, he's still a Zionist himself.

He's just a little more subtle about it than some of the other clowns out there.

But that's not good enough, my friends. If you want to support Palestine, you gotta stand up and say it loud and proud. You can't just talk around the issue and hope that nobody notices. So, let's talk about what it means to support Palestine. First of all, you gotta understand that this is a human rights issue. It's not about politics or religion or any of that other crap. It's about people's lives, man. It's about families being torn apart, homes being destroyed, and children being killed.

And that's not cool. But the thing is, a lot of people don't get that. They think that supporting Palestine means you're anti-Semitic. And that's just not true. It's like saying that if you don't like the way the police treat black people, you must hate all cops. It's a false dichotomy, and it's a lazy way of thinking. So, if you want to support Palestine, you gotta stand up with Palestinians. You gotta listen to their stories, and you gotta amplify their voices. You gotta call out the injustices that they face every single day.

And you gotta do it without fear or hesitation, because this is the right thing to do. Now, let's get back to Piers Morgan. Like I said earlier, he's not the worst of the bunch. He's not as bad as James Wales, that total Zionist clown. But he's still not good enough. He still doesn't get it. And that's why we need to call him out on his shit. So, let's do that. Let's tell Piers Morgan that we see through his act. We see that he's still a Zionist, even if he's trying to pretend otherwise. And we're not gonna stand for it. We're gonna call him out, and we're gonna demand better from him.


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Piers Morgan you are still a Zionist

Alright, let's get started on this real diss article against Piers Morgan a sneak-supporter of Israel.

First off, let's talk about Piers Morgan, that British blowhard who thinks he's the king of television.

He's got some nerve, going on his show and pretending to condemn Hamas. Like, seriously, does he think we're idiots? We can all see through his little act. It's like he's trying to be the good guy, but deep down, he's just another Zionist piece of crap.

Now, don't get me wrong, y'all. I appreciate that Piers grills some of those Zionist guests on his show. But at the end of the day, he's still a Zionist himself.

He's just a little more subtle about it than some of the other clowns out there.

But that's not good enough, my friends. If you want to support Palestine, you gotta stand up and say it loud and proud. You can't just talk around the issue and hope that nobody notices. So, let's talk about what it means to support Palestine. First of all, you gotta understand that this is a human rights issue. It's not about politics or religion or any of that other crap. It's about people's lives, man. It's about families being torn apart, homes being destroyed, and children being killed.

And that's not cool. But the thing is, a lot of people don't get that. They think that supporting Palestine means you're anti-Semitic. And that's just not true. It's like saying that if you don't like the way the police treat black people, you must hate all cops. It's a false dichotomy, and it's a lazy way of thinking. So, if you want to support Palestine, you gotta stand up with Palestinians. You gotta listen to their stories, and you gotta amplify their voices. You gotta call out the injustices that they face every single day.

And you gotta do it without fear or hesitation, because this is the right thing to do. Now, let's get back to Piers Morgan. Like I said earlier, he's not the worst of the bunch. He's not as bad as James Wales, that total Zionist clown. But he's still not good enough. He still doesn't get it. And that's why we need to call him out on his shit. So, let's do that. Let's tell Piers Morgan that we see through his act. We see that he's still a Zionist, even if he's trying to pretend otherwise. And we're not gonna stand for it. We're gonna call him out, and we're gonna demand better from him.

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